How to Purchase Acupuncture Needles
Acupuncture has been popular in the United States for many years, but originated in China. Acupuncture involves inserting very small, thin needles into pressure points in the body to improve health and wellness. Acupuncturists use very thin, disposable needles that are sterilized using ethylene oxide. Acupuncture has been very successful in treating a wide variety of ailments, including headaches, back pain, sinusitis, chest pain and anxiety.Instructions
Decide which brand you would like to purchase. Two very popular and reliable brands of acupuncture needles are SEIRIN needles and Carbo needles. That is not to say that you must use these needles, but these are some of the most popular. SEIRIN needles are said to have a painless insertion, while Carbo needles tend to be less expensive. Both companies generally sell needles in in packs of 100.
Determine what size and length needles you will need. Acupuncture needles vary in size, as indicated by the color of their handle, the area an acupuncturist holds onto when he or she inserts and removes the needle. Needles range in thickness from .12 millimeters to .50 millimeters, and range in length between 0.5 and 5.0 inches. The range in size and thickness depends on the acupuncturist's personal preference, as well as the area of the body that he or she will be treating.
Make your purchase from a reputable online company. You will probably have to pay by credit card if you are ordering online. Although it is possible to purchase acupuncture needles at specialty medical supply stores, you are more likely to find a wider variety of sizes and brands online.
Use cautioun when using or handling your new acupuncture needles. When your acupuncture needles arrive, label them immediately so you don't get confused about needle length and thickness. If you test or open any of the needles, be sure to throw them away immediately so you don't get them confused with unused needles.
Become a practiced acupuncturist before attempting to use your new acupuncture needles on a patient. Before a trained and acupuncturist begins to work on a patient, they should practice on themselves 20 times to be sure their treatment is precise and pain-free.