How to Induce Labor Through Acupuncture

As you near your due date, you may start to worry that you're going to end up overdue and need to schedule a hospital induction. However, you can look into more natural ways to induce labor, like going for an acupuncture treatment.


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      Talk to your doctor about the timing of the acupuncture treatment. You should be at your due date or just past it to ensure the health of your unborn baby. Let your doctor know about the acupuncture treatment in order to get his approval.

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      Find an acupuncture practitioner who practices on pregnant women. Practitioners use a certain technique to induce labor. Call acupuncture clinics in your area to discuss scheduling a labor induction treatment. Locate an acupuncturist through the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture's website.

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      Go for the acupuncture treatment to induce labor. The acupuncturist will place the needles into your hands, lower leg and feet. The needles won't be placed anywhere near the abdomen. The needles stay inserted for a set period of time before the practitioner removes them from the pressure points.

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      Expect labor to start soon. Most women who go for a treatment to induce labor start to contract within two days of the treatment.

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