How to Treat Bell's Palsy with Acupuncture
Diagnose Bell's Palsy. It is important to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms. This is important, since some of the symptoms of Bell's Palsy can look like stroke symptoms.
Talk to your doctor about treatment options, including acupuncture. You may investigate acupuncture when other treatments do not have the desired result or you may pursue acupuncture in combination with other treatments. Acupuncture can relieve pain by limiting swelling and inflammation. The endormorphins, natural painkillers released during acupuncture, may be the cause.
Find a qualified acupuncturist. Your doctor may be able to recommend someone nearby. You can also contact the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture.
Make an appointment. During the initial appointment, the acupuncturist will talk to you about your symptoms and assess your condition. Ask the acupuncturist to explain the treatment principles and practices to you so that you know what to expect.
Go to the treatment sessions. In traditional Chinese medicine, Bell's Palsy is known as "deviated mouth" because it is a type of facial paralysis. This condition was historically associated with an invasion of "wind" that causes an imbalance in the "Qi", which is the essential substance of the body. During the treatment sessions, the acupuncturist inserts small, thin needles into the skin of a few key pulse points and also employs any other helpful approaches, such as pressure points. The treatment should restore the balance of the "Qi" and heal the patient.
Follow any dietary and stress reduction recommendations made by your acupuncturist. Be sure to mention any food allergies or sensitivities and any physical conditions of concern. Also list any medications that you are taking for the Bell's Palsy and other conditions.
Keep your acupuncturist and doctor informed about how you are feeling as you complete each treatment. Bell's Palsy is characterized by various symptoms, including facial weakness, mildly compromised taste, increased sensitivity to sound and involuntary tearing. Tell your acupuncturist about any discomfort or side effects you experience. It is rare that any are reported, but it is your body and your sensations. As the symptoms diminish and you start feeling better, help your acupuncturist and your doctor help you continue to improve.