How to Use Acupuncture to Treat Tendonitis
Things You'll Need
- List of local acupuncturists
- Comfortable clothing
- Notes
- Vitamins
- Splint
Search for an acupuncturist near your home. The acupuncture referral service Acufinder carries an online directory of certified providers (see Resources below). Use your zip code or preferred style of acupuncture to find the acupuncturist who is right for you.
Choose an acupuncturist who will use deep acupuncture to treat your tendonitis. Placing hair-thin needles deep into the channels on the affected side of the body is more likely to relieve pain and swelling than laser acupuncture or acupressure.
Take some notes about your injury that you can give to the acupuncturist. Write down where exactly it hurts, how long you have had the tendonitis and if heat or cold compresses make it feel better. The acupuncturist will also ask you about other remedies you have used to treat the problem.
Rest your body for 2 hours before your acupuncture appointment. Refrain from sexual activity, lifting heavy objects and overall muscle strain. Your body will respond better to the treatment if you are relaxed and stress-free.
Dress comfortably in clothing that will let your acupuncturist work easily on your affected side. Avoid wearing jeans or other pants that are difficult to pull up to your knees.
Visit the acupuncturist four to six times over the course of a few weeks to determine if your tendonitis will improve through acupuncture. Some patients see results right away, but many do not. Try not to be discouraged if your healing occurs more slowly.
Take vitamins B5, B6 and C in addition to receiving acupuncture treatments for your tendonitis. Supplements of this kind may act as anti-inflammatories and can lessen your pain.
Wear a splint at night so your affected joint will be still. A splint not only immobilizes the injury, but also promotes blood circulation to the area. One of the benefits of acupuncture is to restore circulation to the area of the body that needs treatment.