How to Relieve Bed-Wetting With Acupuncture
Consider the most important acupuncture points for enuresis to B23, B28, B32, Gv4, Gv15, Gv20, H7, H9, K3, K5, Sp4, Sp6, Sp12, St36, Ren2, Ren3 and Ren6. The specific points used are determined by the cause of the bed-wetting.
Clear away dampness-heat if it is being retained by the liver meridian by using the liver acupoints. This cause of enuresis is marked by scanty and odorous yellow urine.
Improve the flow of Qi and preserve fluids in the lungs and spleen with the liver and spleen acupoints. These patients will experience enuresis at night with scant urine during the day accompanied by a poor appetite, pale complexion, fatigue, thready pulse, pale tongue and loose stools.
Tonify the yin and clear away the heat for enuresis caused by asthenia-fire syndrome. These cases are marked by the frequent discharge of dark, scant urine accompanied by a hot feeling during urination.
Use the kidney acupoints to warm and strengthen the kidneys for cases of asthenia-cold syndrome. These cases are marked by frequent enuresis while asleep with frequent clear urination during the day. Additional symptoms include cold limbs with soreness and weakness in the back and knees.