How to Stimulate the Immune System With Acupuncture
Things You'll Need
- Acupuncture needles (J type, serin, No. 3 (0.20) x 50 mm for people, dogs and cats, larger and thicker ones for horses
- Emu oil and powdered ginger
- Moxa sticks
- Well lit area
- Calm and complient patient
With the aid of any standard acupuncture meridian system chart or book, identify Stomach 36 (1/3 below the knee just lateral to the shin bone), Large Intestine 4 (between the 'roots' of the thumb and index finger on the side of the hand opposite to the palm), Large Intestine 11 (at crease of the elbow on lateral, or outside, of the arm when it is flexed) and Governing vessel 14 (midline, on dorsal side of the neck between the last cervical and first thoracic vertebrae). LI 4 is very hard to identify in dogs and cats, impossible to find effectively in horses, easily found in people. These acupuncture points when 'stimulated' with needles or heat will stimulate the immune system, as verified by many scientific studies (see Allen Schoen's book, 'Alternative Veterinary Medicine' for animal study references).
Determine which method works best for you as to how you can best 'tonify' (stimulate) these points. If using acupuncture needle, insert the needle in the direction of the 'chi' flow (pointing towards head in case of LI points, towards feet in ST 36, towards head slightly for GV 26). After needle has been 'sucked into' the points, twirl needle several times in clockwise 'twists' until you feel electrical 'jolt' going through your arm, or patient reports (by smacking of lips in animals or reporting it by mouth in people) electrical 'jolt' going through the arm or leg.
If uncomfortable with using acupuncture, or if working with large animals (can do this in cattle, too), mix ginger with emu oil or, if you don't have that, the ginger powder with DMSO (both carry the heat promoting herb into the acupuncture points) applying the mixture at the acupunture points but NOT to the areas around them. Heat can also be applied in the form of a lit moxa stick held close to the point or, if one is very careful, lit moxa powder 'pyramid' which is removed as soon as it burns down to the bottom of it. If using moxa powder pyramids beware of possible skin irritation or possibly scars if it kept on beyond when patient say it feel hot.
Do not throw out the modern medicines. Use this technique to stimulate the immune system along with oral or injected antibiotics for infection treatment. You can also use this when vaccinating animals, so that the effect of the vaccination is enhanced. If possible, repeat acupuncture point stimulation two times a day for a week.
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