How to Find Acupuncture Points
Know the fourteen different meridians that your body is divided into. Qi (pronounced chi) carries energy through these regions. When the body is sick, it is believed that the qi is blocked, requiring the use of acupuncture points to help the energy flow again.
Trace the kidney meridian pathway though the body. It begins at the middle of your lower neck, runs midsection down the inside of the left leg, and ends on the bottom of the sole of the left foot. Major acupuncture points include just below the breast, at the navel, inside of the knee, along the ankle and at the ball of the foot.
Find different acupuncture points for the stomach including four on the head. One is on the left collarbone, the left breast, to the left of the navel and the front of your left hip. Two are on the middle of your topside of the lower leg and two are on the top of your feet, one just above the first knuckle of the second toe and the other directly on the second toe.
Use your hand to find potential areas and points throughout the body for acupuncture work. The fingers are like a horse, where the middle finger links to the head, neck and spine, the second and fourth fingers are the arms including hands, wrists and shoulders. The thumb and little finger are legs including hips and ankles.