How to Lose Weight Through Acupuncture
Things You'll Need
- Computer with Internet access for contacting acupuncturists
Lose Weight Through Acupuncture
Set realistic goals. Acupuncture can a useful part of a weight-loss plan, but do not expect it to be a cure-all for your problem. Plan on making lifestyle changes, such as altering your diet and exercising regularly, to lose weight. Acupuncture can help you stick to your guns by providing relief from the stress and frustration that can cause overeating.
Get proper care. Find a qualified acupuncturist in your region by visiting the Acufinder Web site (see Resources below).
Understand the factors that impact treatment frequency and duration. Severe overeating may require daily treatment for the first 5 days. For most people hoping to lose 5 to 10 pounds, a treatment every 3 days or twice a week until the target weight is reached will suffice. Frequent treatments end once the goal is reached.
Follow your acupuncturist's plan. If you veer off course by binging, missing several exercise sessions or skipping an acupuncture session, your overall treatment plan may need to be modified.
Keep seeing your acupuncturist once you reach your goal weight. Many acupuncturists recommend treatment with each change of season (4 times a year) to keep the body in balance.