How to Find a Good Acupuncturist in Queens, New York

If you need acupuncture treatment for pain relief or pain prevention, it is crucial that you approach qualified acupuncturists. The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) warns that an inexpert administration of acupuncture can result in serious side effects.

In addition to acupuncturists, acupuncture healing is also practiced by a number of conventional medical practitioners, including physicians, dentists and others practitioners. These recommendations will help you find qualified acupuncturists in Queens, New York.


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      Ask your health care providers for referrals. Family physicians and drug stores where you regularly buy your medicines are a good start. You can also ask friends and relatives. If this doesn't work, use health websites and online directory services.

      Health websites such as have directories for medical practitioners based on region. You can search for acupuncturists and acupuncture specialists in Queens.

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      Visit official websites of the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) or the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (AAMA). These are nationally-recognized acupuncture organizations and are good sources to find qualified acupuncturists in Queens.

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      Check for the credentials of the acupuncturists. New York State government requires acupuncturists to complete a three-year professional acupuncture training program after at least two years of college, and undergo a state-approved license exam to become licensed acupuncturists.

      New York State necessitates certification by the state for licensed physicians and dentists to practice acupuncture within New York. Accreditation requires hundreds of hours of acupuncture training, practical and supervised experience in general as well as specialized acupuncture techniques. Certification is provided only if all requirements are met.

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      Additionally, check for NCCAOM national board certification. It indicates high standards of knowledge of the acupuncturist. The NCCAOM certification program sets rigorous standards for accreditation including several hours of training, education and experience requirements.

      Certified practitioners earn the title Diplomate in Acupuncture. You can also go for acupuncturists that hold medical acupuncture certification from the AAMA; these members require hundreds of hours of education, training and practical experience for accreditation through board exam.

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      Gather basic information about acupuncture from NCCAOM, the AAMA website or from your local library.

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      Place a call to the acupuncturist's clinic and talk to her for more details. Make an appointment to meet the acupuncturist in person so you get to know each other better. You can use your knowledge obtained from the research and ask the acupuncturist relevant questions. If you are satisfied, seek treatment.

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