Varicose Veins Acupunture Treatment
Varicose veins is a condition, usually found in the legs, characterized by enlarged veins. They are visible beneath the skin and are dark in color. Sufferers often feel pain and discomfort. They can be caused by heredity, obesity, pregnancy, improper diet, or standing for long periods of time. If left untreated, this condition can cause open sores, thrombosis, phlebitis, and sclerosis. According to Chinese medical theories, varicose veins is caused by stagnant blood, which blocks the veins. Practioners believe that acupuncture will redistribute the stagnant blood and increase the energy flow through the veins.
Although acupuncture may seem painful, patients feel little to no pain. Practioners will insert needles into the affected vein, which forces the blood flow to start once more. They insist that this will strengthen the vein and increase the blood flow. Once the needles are in, people may feel a tingling sensation at the puncture site, but it should go away shortly. Patients may need more than one treatment, depending on how severe the blockage is. As treatment continues, the dark color of the veins gets lighter. Once the blockage is removed, flexibility of the veins gradually gets better and the varicose veins should disappear.
Even though many people suffering from varicose veins have been helped by acupuncture treatments, there are some risks involved with the procedure. There may be soreness, bruising, or bleeding at the puncture site. Internal organs may be damaged if the needles are pushed in too deeply. People can also get infections, like hepatitis, if needles are reused. These risks are low if patients go to a certified acupuncturist.
Some people should not attempt acupuncture of their varicose veins if they have certain disorders. People with blood disorders or those who are taking blood thinners should not use this form of treatment because of an increased chance of bleeding. People with pacemakers should not use acupuncture if the practioner sends mild electrical pulses to the needles. Pregant women should not use this form of treatment, as well, because acupuncture can initiate labor.
People suffering from varicose veins should go to their primary doctors for a diagnosis first. From there, they can be referred to vein clinics that might have acupuncturists on staff. If the clinic does not have one on staff, they might refer you to a reputable acupuncturist. Despite the small risks of acupuncture, many people have turned to this treatment to help with their varicose veins and have succeeded in finding relief of their condition.