Acupuncture & Cushings Disease
Adrenal Activity
The human body reacts to stressful situations by producing chemicals that support a quick "fight or flight" response. Our adrenal glands release the most well-known of these chemicals, adrenaline, as well as three major substances called DHEA, aldosterone and cortisol. These substances regulate critical body activities such as blood pressure, glucose production, fat processing, sex hormone production and mineral balances. Chronic stress can affect the adrenal glands' ability to function properly, leading to a wide range of possible health problems.
Cushing's Disease
Cushing's disease belongs to a family of adrenal disorders, collectively known as Cushing's syndrome, in which too much cortisol impairs health. Cushing's disease begins with trouble in the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland issues chemical instructions to the adrenal glands in the form of adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH). Too much ACTH sends the wrong signals to the adrenal glands, which in turn produce too much cortisol. People with Cushing's disease suffer from high blood sugar and blood pressure, sweating, weight gain and psychological problems such as depression or anxiety.
Acupuncture has existed as a primary therapeutic technique in China for thousands of years, and in recent decades it has found increasing favor among Western health professionals. An acupuncturist inserts small needles at specific points in the skin that are said to be tied to certain ailments, sometimes moving or heating the needles during the procedure. Scientists cannot point to the precise reason acupuncture seems to provide relief for some patients, but according to traditional Chinese medicine, the needles affect the flow of life energy throughout the body, helping restore physical imbalances.
A study published in The American Journal of Chinese Medicine on electrically aided acupuncture on dogs demonstrated the technique's effectiveness in restoring healthy adrenal levels. The Mayo Clinic says that conducting valid research on human acupuncture is tricky because it's difficult for scientists to devise a fake acupuncture treatment to compare to actual acupuncture methods.
In addition to acupuncture, other treatments can support correct adrenal hormone levels. Foods rich in vitamins C, B and E can provide the proper nutritional support, while herbal supplements such as Siberian ginseng, licorice and gotu cola may help the body adapt to stress in a more controlled way. Adrenal extracts from cows also may help restore proper adrenal levels. If, however, a tumor has caused the glandular malfunction, Cushing's disease may require surgery.