How to Cure Headaches With Cigars
Things You'll Need
- Moxa cigar
- Match or lighter
Acquire a moxa cigar from a health specialty store, an acupuncturist or the Internet.
Light one end of the moxa cigar with a match or lighter. The cigar will not flame or smoke, but will grow hot.
Hold the moxa cigar above the skin, no more than two inches. The skin will begin to warm and possibly turn red; when the skin is red move onto another area.
Apply the cigar to the temples and the crown of the head. Other areas of the head, such as the top of the jaw or the back of the neck, can be treated depending on the type of headache.
Extinguish the cigar by dipping the end lightly in clean water. The cigar will not go out on its own, so be sure that it is completely out before setting it down.