What have Galen learned from doctors such as Hippocrates?

Empiricism: The importance of observation and experience was highlighted, promoting a data-driven approach to medical understanding.

Humoral Theory: Doctors like Hippocrates believed individuals possess four humors – blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm. Galen further developed that idea emphasizing imbalances causing illnesses, requiring rebalancing.

Physiology and Function: He adopted Hippocrates's idea of “pneuma,” associating functions like respiration, sensation, movement with pneuma, which was airlike lifegiving substance

Treatment Regimens: Treatments involved diet adjustments, drugs, bloodletting, purging to correct humoral imbalances. Galen systematized these to guide therapy

Prognosis: Assessing symptoms with diagnosis and making predictions or forecasts is essential. Galen expanded prognostic signs, offering guidelines.

Surgical Techniques: Ancient doctors performed basic surgeries. Galen documented these practices, improving techniques.

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