Yoga Twists to Improve Circulation in the Back

Twists are an important component of any well-rounded yoga practice. They help stimulate circulation to your entire back and spine, remove toxins from your organs and help increase mental focus, according to yoga instructor Julie Gudmestad in an article for "Yoga Journal." By performing isolated twists or incorporating a series of twists into your home yoga practice, you might experience these important physical and mental benefits.
  1. Seated Twists

    • There are a variety of seated twists that you can perform to increase circulation to your spine and alleviate tense back muscles. Some twists, like the Marichyasana III, or Marichi's Pose, are performed while seated on the floor, but others, such as Bharadvajasana, or Bharadvaja's Twist, can be modified so you can perform the pose while seated in a chair. Seated twists are particularly beneficial for those who must sit for long hours at work because they can help alleviate the tension that accumulates in your back. To perform a simple seated twist, sit toward the front of your chair with your feet flat on the floor. Bring your left hand to the outside of your right thigh. Twist to the right and look over your right shoulder. Hold this pose for a few breaths, then release and repeat on the left side.

    Supine Twists

    • Reclining, or supine, twists are performed while lying on the floor. In addition to increasing circulation to your back, these twists can improve your breathing, alleviate aches and pains and induce feelings of rejuvenation and relaxation, according to yoga instructor Claudia Cummins in an article for "Yoga Journal." To perform an easy reclining twist, lie on the floor on a yoga mat or blanket. Stretch your legs out straight and relax your arms by your sides. Inhale and bend your left knee in to your chest. Twist your body over to the right, bringing your left knee as close to the floor as possible while keeping your hips firmly planted on the floor. Keep your right leg straight. Look over your left shoulder. Stay here for 30 seconds, then release and repeat on the left side.

    Standing Twists

    • Standing twists are usually more challenging yoga poses, like the Revolved Triangle or the Revolved Side Angle, that require a good sense of balance. These advanced twists help build heat and direct energy toward your spine, says Ayurvedic practitioner and yoga instructor Mariko Bhakti Hirakawa in an article for her website. If you're not quite ready for these advanced poses, you can experience some of the benefits of standing twists by performing the basic Standing Spinal Twist. Stand with your feet touching and your head, neck and spine in alignment. Inhale and raise your arms straight out in front of you, palms facing each other. Exhale and rotate your waist to the right, maintaining the same distance between your palms. Inhale and return to center. Repeat on the left side.


    • If you experience pain or strain while practicing these poses, stop and seek medical attention if necessary. Consult your doctor before practicing these poses if you are new to yoga or if you have a spine or back condition. You should never force your spine to rotate past your level of comfort -- only twist as far you can without causing troublesome symptoms. Over time, you will be able to twist more deeply as your level of flexibility improves.

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