What Are Some Ways to Get Energized Fast?
More energy may be just a quick 10-minute walk away. Add a mental pep talk to your stroll by thinking positive thoughts while you're walking -- favorite positive affirmations, for example, or thoughts of gratitude. You don't even have to leave the house (or your office) to get a boost of pep through exercise. Just standing on your toes and stretching your arms over your head will revive your brain and oxygenate your body.
Power Foods
To get energized quickly, choose a small snack of complex carbohydrates, lean protein and healthy fats, like the kind found in nuts. Good choices include blueberries, soy, salmon, almonds, sweet potatoes, oatmeal and whole grains. Carbohydrates metabolize more quickly for a faster lift, but protein helps you stay energized longer. Finally, if you've ever experienced a post-Thanksgiving "food coma" you know that large amounts of food at one sitting are the opposite of energizing. So, when using healthy foods to power up, keep in mind that less is more.
Natural Stimulants
Coffee is the go-to drink for a quick pick-me-up because of its caffeine content. No one is sure exactly how caffeine works to stimulate energy -- but studies have shown that caffeine increases metabolism and has a positive effect on fat oxidation. Coffee, tea and chocolate all contain caffeine as do the commercial energy drinks available in stores, with chocolate also containing sugar that can lead to a buzz. Use caffeine in moderation -- too much will lead to short-term gains but a later energy “crash.”
Power Down
If you have time, you can always go old-school and take a quick nap. Sleeping for as little as 20 minutes can refresh the mind, but don't nap longer than that or you'll wake up groggy. When done for about the same amount of time, meditation also offers rejuvenating benefits. You can add creative visualization to your meditation practice and envision yourself vital and energized.