The Best Ways to Be Energized When Tired
Take a "power nap." Go somewhere quiet, sit down and close your eyes, if possible. Clear all thoughts from your mind and focus on taking slow, deep breaths for 10 minutes. This process allows your body to relax, which may help re-energize you.
Listen to high energy or classical music. According to Harvard Medical School neuroscientist Mark Tramo, music stimulates different emotional centers of the brain. This stimulation improves both your mood and your energy levels. Listening to music lowers blood pressure and is thought to increase the efficiency of oxygen consumption of the heart.
Take a brisk walk for 30 minutes. Physical exercise gets your blood pumping and makes your brain release endorphins, which improve your overall mood and help relax the body. Endorphins are neurotransmitters, or chemicals released in the brain, that help transmit signals throughout the nervous system.
Eat a balanced diet that contains fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and yogurt. Foods that contain whole grains leave you feeling fuller longer, which sustains your energy levels.
Drink up to eight 8-ounce glasses of water or decaffeinated beverages every day. Your exhaustion may be caused by dehydration.