How to Make Bean Neck Warmer
Things You'll Need
- 1 pound dried beans
- Adult fleece sock
- Essential oils (optional)
- Embroidery needle and floss
Sort through 1 pound of dried beans to remove any foreign objects, such as rocks, sticks or insects.
Pour the beans in an adult-size fleece sock that is either new or in fairly new condition. Add four to six drops of an essential oil, such as lavender, eucalyptus, rose or citrus, if desired, to the beans to use the warmer for aromatherapy.
Stitch the top of the sock using an embroidery needle and floss, stitching with a blanket stitch.
Heat the bag in the microwave on 100 percent power for 1 minute. Remove the warmer and knead in your hands to distribute the heat. Microwave for 30 second increments until the warmer is the desired temperature; do not overheat.
Place the heated neck warmer around the back of your neck. Store the bean neck warmer in the freezer when not in use to prevent insect infestation.