How to Clean With Water to Remove EMF
EMFs, or electromagnetic fields, are reputed to have some effects on the human body. These effects can range from headaches to Alzheimer's disease, and possibly to some varieties of childhood leukemia. EMFs can also have an effect on pacemakers, VDUs and other electronic equipment. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to cleanse your body and to minimize radiation effects if you live in a high-EMF area or are just concerned about the amount of radiation your body is exposed to on a daily basis.Things You'll Need
- 1 pound sea salt
- 1 pound baking soda
- 1 teaspoon sea salt
- 1 teaspoon. baking soda
- 8-ounce glass
Fill a bath with very hot water.
Dissolve one pound each of sea salt and baking soda in the bath water.
Soak in the water for 45 minutes. While soaking, drink 16 ounces of plain water and eight ounces of water with one teaspoon of sea salt and one teaspoon baking soda dissolved in it.
Rinse your body thoroughly, but do not wash with soap and water. Do not bathe for at least four hours following the treatment. Repeat this bath every two or three days.
Clean the tub completely to remove any residue that might remain.