How to Get Rid of Oxalates
Calcium oxalates are the leading cause of kidney stones, according to the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. Sometimes, the stones are bad enough that they require surgery. With the right preventive measures, you will greatly reduce the chance of forming additional kidney stones. These measures will also ensure that your body rids itself of excess oxalates.Things You'll Need
- Water
- Vitamin B-6
- Gravel Root
- Magnesium citrate
- Stone root
- Seven barks
- Unsweetened lemonade
Drink at least 50 percent of your body weight in ounces of water per day. For example, if you weigh 180 lbs., drink 90 oz. of water. By drinking more fluids, you reduce the concentration of oxalates and calcium in your urine. If your urine is clear, take that as a sign you are getting enough fluids.
Limit your protein. While this is more of a preventive measure, it is necessary since people tend to have repeat cases of calcium-oxalate kidney stones. Limit your dairy to one serving per day -- this is because of the protein, not the calcium -- and your meats to no more than 5 oz. a day.
Limit foods high in oxalates. Although there is disagreement on whether foods high in oxalates contribute to calcium-oxalate stones, there is no empirical evidence either way. High protein foods are high in oxalates, as well as cocoa, tea, sodas, cranberry juice, most fleshy fruits, beets, cauliflower, squash and sweet potatoes.
Limit your sodium intake to 3,000 mg per day. Resist salting your food, even while cooking. Processed foods contain more sodium, so go for fresh foods.
Try some alternative remedies. Magnesium citrate supplements are believed to reduce the size of kidney stones caused by calcium oxalates. Take 500 mg daily. Vitamin B-6 is another useful supplement, since a Vitamin B-6 deficiency is believed to cause oxalates as well. Gravel root, seven barks and stone root are herbal remedies believed to aid in passing the stone and reducing its size.
Drink lemonade made of one part lemon juice to seven parts water. Do not add sugar or artificial sweetener. Unsweetened lemonade is bitter, but it will reduce the amount of oxalates in your body.