Manuka Oil Uses
Modern Uses
Manuka oil has many applications, from household cleaning products to the treatment of skin conditions, such as eczema, acne, dermatitis, oily skin and dandruff. The anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties of manuka oil have proven to be effective in treating cold sores, sunburn, ringworm, abrasions, bed sores, blisters, burns and insect bites, as well as fungal infections, lice and nail infections. As a disinfectant, manuka oil can be used as a household cleaner or added to a load of laundry. The honey-like aroma of the oil also makes it appropriate for use as a perfume.
Traditional Uses
The natives of New Zealand found many uses for manuka. The leaves of the manuka tree were used to make a tonic for treating urinary complications. Manuka also was used to reduce fevers. Leaves were added to boiling water and the steam was inhaled to break up head colds and chest congestion. The leaves and bark used to create a decoction that was heated for topical use on aching joints and muscles. The bark also was chewed as a natural relaxant to enhance sleep.
Manuka oil has been long used for medicinal properties, but its aromatherapy uses are a relatively recent discovery. Users report a sense of well-being and relaxation when they inhale the vapors from manuka oil. As aromatherapy oil, manuka can also reduce feelings of anger, stress and nervousness.
Manuka Honey
Manuka honey has been shown to treat antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria such as MRSA as well as treating staph infections. Manuka honey as a topical remedy assists the healing process by providing a moisture-rich environment for enhanced tissue growth and the reduction of pain and cell damage. Manuka honey will maintain its potency even when exposed to heat or diluted.