Home Carbuncle Cures
Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic. There is no scientific evidence that it is effective against boils and carbuncles, but anecdotal evidence suggests that applying tea tree oil topically can help eliminate the infection and relieve discomfort. To use tea tree oil, apply it to the carbuncle with a cotton swab, then dispose of the cotton swab in a sealed plastic bag to eliminate the possibility of infecting anyone else in the household.
Turmeric powder can be purchased in the spice section of your grocery store. Turmeric, a spice with anti-inflammatory properties, may also eliminate carbuncles, according to HomeRemediesWeb.com. Add 1 tsp. of turmeric powder to a glass of warm water and drink it three times per day when you suspect a carbuncle is developing. You can also make a paste of equal parts fresh ginger and turmeric ground together and warmed, and apply that to the carbuncle directly. Use turmeric only as a last resort because it can lead to dehydration and constipation.
Apply warm, damp cloths to the carbuncle for 15 minutes, five times a day, to encourage it to drain and to relieve pressure. Be careful to either sterilize the washcloth after use by washing it in very hot water or by boiling it. Never lance a boil at home because that may spread the infection to other areas.
Onions, when used as a compress, are another natural cure for carbuncles. Tie a thick slice of onion to the carbuncle with a cloth strip and change the onion slice every three to four hours. Dispose of the onion slice properly so that animals do not eat the infected onion later. After three to four days, the carbuncle should come to a head and begin to drain.