Problems With Homemade Colloidal Silver
How Colloidal Silver is Supposed to Help
Makers of colloidial silver discuss the anti-bacterial benefits of silver in general., for example, talks about how people put silver dollars in milk to try to keep it fresh longer or how "being born with a silver spoon in your mouth" stemmed from efforts to keep babies healthy. The company claims that their process of creating colloidial silver is safe, scientific.
Problems with Colloidial Silver
One of the major potential side effects of colloidal silver is a condition known as argyria. The condition results from the potential overuse of colloidal silver products. It causes the skin to permanently turn gray or blue. It may also interfere with the effectiveness of antibiotics such as Cipro. claims that this problem is caused primarily by homemade colloidal silver, using regular tap water, and that their processing methods prevent this condition.
Science and Colloidial Silver
According to the Mayo clinic, no scientific evidence supports claims that colloidal silver prevents or cures any diseases or ailments. Evidence does find that continued use of this alternative therapy causes seizures or other neurological issues, kidney damage or skin irritation. Stomach stress, tiredness and headaches are other symptoms from the use of colloidal silver.
The Food and Drug Administration Stance on Colloidal Silver
Since 1999 the FDA has ruled against companies that claim that colloidal silver will cure or prevent health problems. It has issued many statements and alerts against the use of colloidal silver. A consumer advisory as late as October 2009 warns against the use of the alternative medicine due to the potential for argyria. The FDA continues to study the claims of companies selling colloidal silver.