Raw Honey Remedies
Raw Honey
Straight off the honeycomb, raw honey is unheated, unprocessed and pure. Because processing and heating destroys some of the properties in honey, raw honey is considered more nutritious. Often it contains particles from the comb as well as flecks of pollen. It is low in water content and begins to crystallize after a month or two. High in antioxidants and rich in vitamins and minerals, the content of honey varies depending on where it comes from. Some of the vitamins and minerals in honey include vitamin B, calcium, potassium, silica, iron, copper, phosphorous and magnesium.
Colds and Allergies
To help alleviate a sore throat, a teaspoon of raw honey soothes discomfort and reduces inflammation. Studies have shown that honey is as effective as over the counter medication at treating cough symptoms. To make your own cough syrup, combine two ounces of glycerin, six ounces of honey with the juice from two lemons. Take this as needed to help alleviate your cough. Raw honey is especially effective in relieving allergy symptoms. The pollen, dust and mold in honey helps patients build up an immunity to the very things that cause their allergy symptoms. For best results, buy your raw honey at a local farm as they contain the same strain of dust and mold as that which affects you during allergy season. Start taking a spoonful of honey every day about two weeks before allergy season starts.
A natural antiseptic, raw honey aids in healing and helps prevent scars. Apply honey to a burn, cut or scrape. Not only does it aid in the healing process, but it soothes your skin as well. If you have an infection or eczema flare-up, apply honey and cinnamon in equal amounts to the area for relief. Used in many commercial skin care products, you can make your own natural products at home using raw honey. For dry skin, combine 2 tbsp. of milk with 2 tbsp. of honey, apply the mixture to your face and leave it on for 10 minutes before you rinse. For breakouts and acne, apply a thin layer of honey to your face for 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse.
Honey has been used to help digestion for centuries. We now know that the enzymes found in flower pollen, and indirectly in raw honey, aid in the digestion of starchy foods especially. Honey also is an alkaline-forming food, so it can be used as an antacid. Take a spoonful of honey when acid reflux symptoms begin. To get rid of nausea, combine the juice from half a lemon with a spoon of honey. For healthy weight gain in children, a spoon of honey in milk gets their digestive system going and causes hunger. Children younger than 1 year should never consume honey.