Soothanol X2 Instructions
Effective topical pain killers are something muscle and joint pain sufferers have long been desperate to find. Many don't like to take medicine internally for this kind of pain and people in constant agony, with arthritis for example, would often prefer to apply pain relief only to the affected areas. Soothanol X2 would seem to be the answer to their problem. The problem with most topical pain killers is the inability of the ingredients to penetrate deep enough to attack the pain. The DMSO, or dimethyl sulfoxide, in Soothanol X2, which is an organic substance from the woody part of trees, helps deliver the ingredients to the target area.Instructions
Use Soothanol X2 on adults and children over 2 years of age. According to the manufacturer's directions, Soothanol X2 is safe for use on these age groups, but consultation of a physician is advised for children younger than 2.
Apply between two and five drops of Soothanol X2 to the affected area, spreading it gently over the skin. Wash your hands before and after applying Soothanol X2.
Repeat the procedure up to three or four times daily.