Bach Flower Remedies Training Courses
Each remedy is suitable to a problematic personality characteristic or a distressing emotion. The flower remedies matched to these characteristics and emotions are very specific. In order to learn about the whole 38 remedies, and how they interact with one another in complex situations that require treatment with several remedies, attend a class. The Bach Centre approves courses in 22 countries around the world, including the U.S. and Canada. These courses start at a basic level, and work up to the requirements someone must satisfy to practice as a Bach Remedies Therapist.
Level 1 Distance Homestudy
The Level 1 course is suitable for those who have to fit a study regime around their home schedule. They study by the Internet, powerpoint presentations, DVDs, books, and homework. It also includes live web classes where students can interact with the tutor.
The content of the Level 1 course teaches a basic overview of the remedies, what conditions they treat, and how to prepare a mix for personal use.
Back Intermational Education Program (BIEP) Level One Program
The BIEP Level One Program is an on-site introduction to the Bach Flower Remedies. It provides a detailed description of each remedy, and the student learns how to compile client case studies. It is a basic training module that enables the student to practice Bach Flower Remedy Treatment for relatives and friends. The student needs to train at higher levels to receive authorisation to treat members of the general public. The Level One course also prepares its students to move on to more in-depth study of the remedies in higher-level courses.
Level Two
The BIEP Level Two course reinforces the practitioner's confidence in using the therapies. She learns how to treat the client at a more specific level. Students learn the philosophy underlying the system Bach Flower Remedies, and how the treatments work at a more subtle level. Students learn how to work with the client's energy system. It is an advanced course that focuses on deepening one's knowledge of the remedies, and developing a deeper awareness of how they work.
Level Three: Practitioner Training
This course completes the student's readiness to practice Bach Flower Therapy professionally and to integrate the learning into an existing complementary health practice, if this is relevant to the student. On completion of this course, the student can apply to the Dr. Edward Bach Foundation to be included in the International Register of Practitioners. She will then be recognized as a Bach Foundation Registered Practitioner (BFRP). As suggested by the credentials, this is an in-depth course, and students must have substantial knowledge of both the theory and practice of Bach Flower Remedies in order to progress to Level 3.