Study of the Effects of the Color Green on Health
The Central Chakra
The meditative effects of the color green can help us balance ourselves emotionally. Chakra is an energy system which some believe exists within us. There are seven major chakras which each have a different influence within our body. The green chakra sits in the chest, where the heart is. Thus, followers of the chakra believe the color green relates to emotional issues and that surrounding ourselves in green will have a calming effect on us. It is often worn by meditation gurus and yogis to help balance themselves emotionally.
Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder
Green and white light therapy have been very effective in treating SAD. Also known as the winter blues, Seasonal Affective Disorder is a depression which occurs in some people with the onset of winter, when there is less sunlight. To treat this condition, people are placed in "light rooms" where they are exposed to bright green and white light for up to two hours a day. According to the Psychology Department at the Vanderbilt University, light therapy successfully reduces a person's depression in the fall and winter months.
Treating Depression and Bipolar disease
Although it remains controversial, more scientists are agreeing that light therapy can help patients with depression. Originally, scientists believed that light therapy was only effective in treating people with Seasonal Affective Disorder. However, according to a study published in Science Magazine, white and green light can be used to treat depression and even bipolar disorder. There have since been several studies into this and, according to Science Daily Magazine, light therapy has been shown to ease bipolar depression in some patients.
Treating Fatigue and Jetlag
Forests and gardens help us to relax. Perhaps it is because they're so green. According to the American Journal of Nursing, the color green is effective in treating fatigue in patients. This is because it has a soothing and relaxing effect on the eyes. Just looking at a green colored page can help people to feel at ease and less tired. Unlike some other colors, green is easy on the eye, particularly in darker shades.