What Vitamins & Minerals Are Good for Brain Function?
Vitamin Bs
The B vitamins, such as B1, B12, and folic acid, are important for a healthy brain and nervous system. The body requires Vitamin B1 for myelin production. Myelin, a protective coating around nerve fibers, enables communication data to pass from one nerve cell to the next. The development of Alzheimer's disease is connected to low levels of vitamin B12 and folate, according to a 2001 study in "Neurology." Alcohol, caffeine and too much sugar destroys B vitamins. More physical or psychological stress demands more B vitamins. Diets rich in whole grains, leafy green vegetables, and beans restock the body's store of B vitamins.
Magnesium is a mineral that is key to healthy brain function in several ways. Biochemical energy fuels the brain and requires a sufficient and stable amount of magnesium for production. Without magnesium the brain's power and metabolism decline. Magnesium maintains the correct balance between sodium and potassium within the cells. An improper balance between the two can cause a cell to burst. Magnesium helps eliminate toxic ammonia from the body. Even slight increases in brain ammonia impair concentration. Taking a supplement is the most effective way to increase magnesium.
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is a powerful antioxidant that easily crosses the blood-brain barrier, the wall between the brain tissues and circulating blood. ALA works to convert glucose to energy. It can work in both water and fatty tissues, unlike vitamins C and E. The process of turning food to energy creates free radicals which weaken the immune system and damage the body's cells, tissue and organs. Alpha lipoic acid destroys free radicals and recharges depleted antioxidants, making them effective again. The best way to increase ALA is through supplements.
Vitamin E and Selenium
Vitamin E and selenium work together to destroy free radicals in the brain. They are much stronger together than separately. Vitamin E increases oxygen in the brain and strengthens the brain's capillaries and red blood cells. It maintains the proper balance of blood clotting while dissolving blood clots to prevent strokes. Selenium removes heavy metals, like mercury, arsenic and lead, which harm the brain by displacing minerals like zinc, copper and iron. Fatigue and stress exhaust Vitamin E. Eat brown rice, oats and eggs to increase Vitamin E.