How to Hypnotize Anybody
Things You'll Need
- Couch or relaxing chair
Talk to your partner before you begin the session. Always refer to the other person as your partner, as you do not want to encourage a power relationship by calling her a "subject." Explain that this will be a positive experience and that if she feels uncomfortable at any point you will stop the session. Ask her to lie down and close her eyes.
Speak slowly, in a soothing rather than a monotonous tone. Time your words with your partner's breathing. Ask her to focus on particular parts of her body, telling her to imagine them as warm and heavy. Start with her toes, and work slowly up her body. Tell her that she is going deeper and deeper into relaxation. Tell her that this is a good, safe feeling and that she will wake feeling positive and energized. Repeat this message during the session.
Tell your partner that he is going deeper and deeper into relaxation. Slow your voice a little more and say, "With every word I utter, you will sink deeper and deeper, letting go . . . sinking deeper and deeper into relaxation and letting go of worries and stresses." Give positive suggestions, such as telling him that he will deal with problems in a positive, calm way, and that he will wake up feeling refreshed.
Tell your partner that you will count backward from five, and that when you reach one, he will open his eyes and be completely awake. When the hypnosis has finished, ask your partner for feedback so you can learn what went well and improve any weak areas before the next session.