DIY Pain Relief
Things You'll Need
- Natural pain reliever
- Hot or cold compress
- Hot tea
Take an all natural painkiller to try to ease pain. There are numerous all natural herbs and supplements that have been shown to alleviate pain. For example, fish oil can help with pain and inflammation of joints as can herbs, such as boswellia and devil's claw. For pain, such as a headache or muscle pain, try taking a willow bark capsule, which has been found to work much like aspirin for pain. Make sure to consult with your physician before taking any herbs as they can interact with other medications and can cause side effects.
Apply temperature to the affected area. Whether it be a headache or muscle or joint problem, applying a hot or cold compress to the area can reduce inflammation and pain. A compress also can help increase circulation and oxygen to the area to lessen pain. Try applying a hot or cool rag over your head for a headache or an ice pack or heating pad to a muscle or joint.
Make a hot tea to relax your body and mind. Relaxation helps increase blood flow and oxygen levels in the blood through slow calm breathing. This can help alleviate pain as opposed to allowing stress to worsen it. Popular teas for relaxation are lavender or chamomile, so try making one of these and sipping it between deep breaths to relax your body.