How to Not Be Afraid of Flying
Learn to deal with anxiety and nervousness. Push your stomach out and take long, deep breaths through your nose. Picture filling up your lungs from the bottom out. Pause at the end of the breath in, before slowly breathing out. Repeat this as many times as necessary to calm yourself.
Practise relaxing your muscles. Many people tense up as they sit in an airplane seat, which makes them more uncomfortable. Whenever you feel your muscles tensing, take control and relax them. This will help you feel more comfortable and in control.
Visit an airport. Many airports offer tours of the site, which allow you to walk around as if you were about to travel, including checking in and waiting in the departure lounge. You will also be allowed to watch airplanes take off from a viewing gallery. This can help calm your nerves, as it will show you what to expect.
Book a short flight. Pack some luggage and check in as normal. When you board the plane, talk to the air crew about your fears and ask to see the pilots. Most airlines will allow this before takeoff. The aircrew will check on you, so remember to calm yourself and remain relaxed, remembering that the flight will be over in no time.
Distract yourself. Don't watch films or read books about plane crashes. Take things to distract you on the plane. This will stop your imagination from going into overdrive, making your fear seem rational. If this does happen, remind yourself that a fear of flying is an irrational fear.
If your fear is not getting any better, talk to a trained professional with experience in this field. Your airport or doctor may be able to suggest counsellors they have worked with in the past.