What Are the Benefits of Infrared Sauna?
Far Infrared Sauna
This type of sauna uses Far Infrared Rays (FIR) and came into use in 1950, the same time that electric saunas were being developed. It uses a type of energy that is naturally occurring and is produced by a process called "direct light conversion." It penetrates the skin on a deeper level and is believed to have improved detoxification properties.
Near Lamp Infrared Sauna
Another type of infrared light sauna, this one has the same deeper penetration and improved detoxification properties as the FIR. The near lamp infrared sauna uses heat lamps as a direct light and heat source. The light is similar to sunlight and warms the body in a similar manner.
Other Benefits
Besides detoxification and deep tissue repair, infrared saunas are also used to treat injuries that require heat therapy, drug addiction, and circulation and breathing problems. For therapeutic purposes, it is recommended that the infrared sauna be used at least twice a week.
Although the health benefits of the FIR seem to make it ideal, authentic infrared can contain electromagnetic radiation. Extended exposure times can damage the body, and the frequency can be difficult to adjust appropriately.