How to Practice Yoga for Constipation Relief
Things You'll Need
- Exercise mat or large towel
- 1 to 3 yoga blocks
- 2 folded blankets
- Wall
Place your feet together on your mat to begin deep yoga breathing. Inhale, lengthen your spine and fill your rib cage with air. Exhale and draw your bellybutton in. Inhale, look at the sky or ceiling and create space in your spine. Exhale and tighten your bladder control muscle. Visualize positive energy entering your belly with each inhale you take. Imagine toxins leaving with each exhale. Breathe deeply a few more times.
Opposite hand to elbow is one alternative for your arms in forward fold pose. Exhale and drop your belly into your thighs for forward fold. Inhale and create space in your spine. Exhale and bring opposite hand to elbow or wrap your right arm behind your right ankle and your left arm behind your left ankle. Drop your belly closer to your hips with each exhale you take. Make your breath loud, like wind going through a tunnel. Stay in forward fold for 30 to 60 seconds.
Downward dog pose is begun from a table top position. Come to hands and knees on your mat to begin downward-facing dog pose. Push your tailbone up to the ceiling or sky and your chest back toward your feet so you look like an upside down V. Inhale and create space in your spine. Exhale and bring your bellybutton into your spine. With each inhale you take focus on pointing your tailbone higher. Take five deep breaths in downward-facing dog pose and return to an all fours position. Evaluate your body and decide if you want to repeat the pose. Iyengar repeats the pose three times in his sequence for the treatment of constipation.
Use two blankets folded to the right size and propped beneath your lower back in legs-up-the-wall pose. Place two folded blankets on the end of your mat and next to the wall for legs-up-the-wall pose. Sit sideways on the blankets and place your hands on your mat behind you. Turn toward the wall and lift your legs one by one up to the wall. Wriggle your hips closer to the wall using your hands to support you. Lower your torso to the floor. Straighten your legs. Inhale and lift your chest spreading your arms out to the sides. Exhale and relax the chest, belly and hips. Spread your arms to the side. Close your eyes. Enjoy your time here by visualising positive experiences, perhaps one on your toilet. This restorative posture should be held for three to four minutes. Yoga Journal recommends holding this pose five to 15 minutes with more practice.
Attending weekly yoga classes will improve your fitness level. Explore more yoga by finding a certified instructor with a class you enjoy. Forward fold and downward facing dog are basic poses you will find in any class. Headstand, shoulder-stand, triangle pose, balancing half moon pose, child's pose, head to knee pose, and plow pose are additional poses that will keep you regular. By attending yoga classes on a weekly basis you can also increase your strength, stamina and flexibility.