How to Compare Liquid Zeolite to Powdered Zeolite
Things You'll Need
- Electron microscope
- Nitric acid
- Test tubes
- Laboratory environment for in vivo testing (e.g. mice)
Determine the structure. Use electron microscopy to identify the structure of zeolite powder and zeolite molecules in the liquid phase. Determine if either form has a cage-like structure, as suggested by Zeolite Facts. According to the British Zeolite Association, zeolites contain silicon, aluminum and oxygen.
Identify whether positive or negative charges exist in the molecules using laboratory precipitation. Add powdered and liquid zeolite (separately) to nitric acid in two test tubes. If a pale-colored precipitate forms, the zeolite is anionic, or negatively charged. According to Zeolite Facts, zeolite molecules are negatively charged. Test whether negatively charged zeolite attracts bodily toxin molecules or not, and which form (liquid or powdered) works best.
Test liquid zeolite against powdered zeolite in terms of pharmaceutical benefit. Use laboratory methods to find out if either compound reduces the risk of cancer, boosts the immune system or prevents diarrhea, as Zeolite Facts claims. Test the diarrhea claim. Inject a sample of disease-induced mice with a dosage of between 4,000 mg and 15,000 mg per day for a week. Record the symptoms and disease progression in each of the two cases (powder and liquid). Compare your findings to symptoms and disease progression in disease-induced mice that have received no zeolite.
Test liquid and powdered zeolites in humans. Collect a willing sample of healthy individuals. Administer small doses. Record the results. Pay particular attention to their well-being and health. Some patients taking zeolite report that they have undergone successful detoxification most often using the liquid form of zeolite, according to Liquid Zeolite.
Compare the manufacturing process of the two forms. Powdered zeolites are easier to manufacture. Raw zeolite is simply crushed into a powder. It is available in tubs as loose powder, or in capsules. Liquid zeolite is actually a solid zeolite suspension, where the zeolite floats in water, in an even distribution.