Cutler Protocol
The Cutler Protocol was first introduced in the book "Amalgam Illness: Diagnosis and Treatment" by Andrew Hall Cutler, a research biochemist and scientist. The book was published in 1999 after the author diagnosed himself with mercury poisoning from his amalgam dental fillings and devised a treatment to rid the body of the heavy metal.
The program in the Cutler Protocol prescribes the use of the antioxidants DMSA (dimercaptosuccinic acid) and ALA (alpha-lipoic acid) that are both available over the counter in pharmacies. According to the book "Amalgam Illness," it will take two to six months to feel better and up to four years of continuous treatment to be completely free of heavy metal poisoning symptoms.
The Cutler Protocol has been particularly embraced by parents with children who suffer from autism or behavioral problems because the over-the-counter antioxidants have less harmful side effects than the medical treatments prescribed by physicians. Several autism organizations endorse the protocol and claim significant reduction of behavioral problems in children treated in accordance with the protocol.