How Does Relaxation Breathing Help?
Yoga is used in the art of pranayama. In yoga, breathing goes along with the movements of the body into different positions. This type of breathing is healing because, according to the book "Pranayama & the Art of Breathing," it stimulates the nervous system.
Stress Relief
Meditation is a highly recommended form of stress relief. According to "The Directory of Complementary Therapies," the focus put on breathing in order to relax during meditation can slow the heart rate and be of great value to those who suffer from high blood pressure. Meditation also gives the body time to unwind and forget about daily troubles, which is why it helps relieve stress.
Oxygen Intake
Relaxation breathing also helps regulate oxygen intake. This can help someone who suffers from panic attacks or even insomnia. Concentrating on breathing rather than the thing that is disturbing the body can help one forget and relax. Deep breathing exercises, like those used in labor, can help reduce the effect of panic attacks, according to "The Directory of Complimentary Therapies."