The Benefits of Ling Zhi
Ling Zhi has beneficial properties for cancer patients and can also act as a preventative against cancer. It was found in a study by Cancer Research UK that Ling Zhi causes an increased amount of action of macrophages in a person's body. Macrophages increase the body's ability to fight against tumor causing cells. This, in turn, leads to fewer treatments of chemotherapy and radiation.
According to Celestial Herbs, by taking 1,600mg of a Ling Zhi supplement can lower your bad cholesterol levels by as much as 40 percent. Unlike many cholesterol medications, Ling Zhi does not have negative effects on the liver. However, after you have taken Ling Zhi for four months, you need to stop for one month. This break will avoid possible side effects Ling Zhi, which can include dry mouth and bloody noses.
Circulation and Cardiovascular Benefits
Ling Zhi may provide certain benefits for your heart as it can prevent hypertension and heart disease by reducing cholesterol. Because it contains triterpenes, Ling Zhi can also improve circulation throughout your body and your heart. Many plants contain triterpenes, which are natural compounds and have a bitter flavor. Triterpenes also help lower blood pressure.
Detoxification Benefits
Ling Zhi aids the liver in ridding the body of toxins and helps reduce the amount of enzymes in the liver. For those infected with Hepatitis B, this can help support liver function. The mushroom also helps regenerate liver cells and increases the amount of albumin protein found in the liver. Albumin protein is a water-soluble protein similar to egg whites. By increasing the amount of albumin protein in the liver, your cravings for sweets and carbohydrates decreases.