Pectin & Juice Remedy
According to the People's Pharmacy, the pectin and juice remedy may help to relieve joint pain, a common symptom of arthritis. The pectin may also serve as an anti-inflammatory, reducing joint swelling and tenderness caused by the degeneration of cartilage tissue.
Prepare the pectin and juice remedy by combining two teaspoons of dry fruit pectin, or one teaspoon of liquid pectin, with one to three ounces of juice. You can use any type of juice, but choosing one high in antioxidants -- like pomegranate or grape juice -- adds extra heath benefits. Mix well and drink twice daily, once in the morning and once at night.
On the University of Cincinnati's Net Wellness website, Dr. Tanya Edwards states that "it's not surprising that fruit pectin may be helpful in arthritis and other inflammatory conditions." Antioxidants have natural anti-inflammatory properties, and pectin is a rich source of antioxidants.