Properties of Colloidal Silver
In his book "The Body Electric," Dr. Robert Becker claims that our immune system malfunctions because it isn't getting enough of the trace mineral silver. He arrived at this conclusion by matching hair samples to medical records and by observing silver's ability to kill microbes without damaging healthy cells. When colloidal silver comes into contact with disease-causing bacteria, it acts like a catalyst by producing a reaction in an enzyme the bacteria uses as a chemical lung. This reaction neutralizes the enzyme's activity without affecting the silver. As a result the enzyme stops delivering nutrients and oxygen to the bacteria and it suffocates. Since all bacteria rely on this enzyme for respiration, colloidal silver is useful for preserving food, cleaning counters, treating burns and infections and numerous other applications.
When viruses invade healthy cells, they alter the natural function of those cells. This causes the infected cells to stop producing chemicals for the body and to start reproducing the virus. The infected cells' metabolic enzyme also becomes more primitive; this allows colloidal silver to inhibit its natural function. The result is the same as when colloidal silver encounters bacteria; the enzyme is disabled and it's unable to deliver oxygen to the virus-infected cell. As a result the cell soon dies of oxygen deprivation. Since viruses cause many diseases by attacking healthy cells and organs, colloidal silver is often vaporized to disinfect the air or nebulized to transport it to viral infections in the body.
We've all seen common fungus, like mold and mildew, growing on bread or household surfaces. Some of us have also experienced fungal yeast infections (candida). Every fungus is a parasitic organism made up of single cells connected by tubes of organic material. The fungus breaks down and feeds off its host; that's why decomposing food is often coated with fungus. Since a fungus is composed of primitive cells, just like a virus or microbe, they have a chemical lung that colloidal silver can disable. When silver particles come into contact with a fungus, they stop its respiration and smother it. That's why silver is used to treat skin, scalp, eye, ear and mouth infections typically caused by a fungus.
Colloidal silver is a catalyst that only affects the metabolic activity of unhealthy cells. Since it doesn't react chemically with the body, it's unable to trigger an allergic reaction. In fact, it boosts immunity by reducing pathogens that overwork the immune system. A rare side effect that excessive consumption of poorly prepared colloidal silver can produce is Argyria. This condition is what gives "blue bloods" their name. These royals absorbed the silver on their dishes, utensils and cups as they ate their meals. The excess silver was stored in the collagen and tissues of their bodies and it gave their skin a bluish tint.