How to Naturally Develop Skin Melanin

Melanin, a basic component of the body produced by melanocytes, provides color pigmentation in the skin, eyes and hair. More melanin within a tissue means a darker color. Pale people have less melanin, while a person with darker skin has a higher concentration of the pigmentation component. Your body can naturally produce more skin melanin through outdoor sun tanning. Sun tanning produces melanin to protect your body against ultraviolet light and also allows the body to synthesize beneficial vitamin D. However, overexposure to the sun increases the risk of skin cancer.

Things You'll Need

  • Lawn chair
  • Timer
  • Sunglasses
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      Place a towel down in a comfortable area outside or sit in a lawn chair on a sunny day. Dress so that large portions of your skin, such as on your arms or legs, are exposed to the sunlight. Do not apply sunscreen.

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      Set your timer for 15 minutes and bask in the sun, making sure to turn over to allow sun exposure to the opposite side. Wear sunglasses if you need to protect your eyes, otherwise keep your eyes shut.

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      Check your skin frequently. If you begin to burn, cease tanning immediately. Otherwise, stop tanning when the timer goes off to prevent overexposure.

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      Repeat the tanning sessions daily or several times a week, especially during winter months. Ten to 15 minutes per session is adequate for improving levels of vitamin D, according to the Mayo Clinic.

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