How to Use IP6
Some believe IP6 may be useful in treating heart disease, diabetes, kidney stones, depression and Parkinson's disease. It is also an antioxidant and boosts the immune system.
Take IP6 extract in powdered form or in capsules. While it is possible to increase your intake of IP6 by eating seeds, whole grains and bran, for example, the extract is more easily absorbed by your body.
Take the recommended dose according to whether you are using IP6 as a preventative measure or (if you currently have cancer) as a therapeutic measure. The Flora Health website says, "Experts recommend taking a daily dose of 800-1,200 mg of inositol hexaphosphate along with 200-300 mg inositol as a general preventative measure. In patients with cancer or at high risk for cancer, experts recommend a dose in the range of 4,80 -7,200 mg IP6 along with 1,200-1800 mg inositol."
Take your IP6 supplement on an empty stomach whether it is in capsule or powder form.