Pure Tea Tree Oil Uses

According to the site Diagnose Me, the tea tree is a small tree indigenous to the northeast coastal region of New South Wales, Australia. The leaves are the medicinal part of the plant. Tea tree oil has a wide range of antimicrobial activity. This means that it acts like a natural antibiotic. Pure Liquid Gold website claims that tea tree oil can be used as an immune system booster and a defense against various types of infections.
  1. Ear Infections

    • Tea tree can be used for ear infections.

      According to the Health Mad website, tea tree oil is an effective treatment for an ear infection. Drop three drops of tea tree oil into 1/4 cup water. Mix and fill a dropper with the tea tree solution. Now gently fill your ear with it. Tilt your head sideways to hold it in your ear for half a minute, then drain. Repeat several times a day. It is better just to use tea tree diluted and not to put pure tea tree oil into the ear, but you can rub pure oil on the external surface of your ear. Please note: Ear infections can be serious; this treatment should not substitute for consulting a physician, and should not be used on children.

    Abscess or Toothache

    • See your dentist if you have an abscess or toothache.

      Trickle a few drops directly into the cavity, or drip a couple of drops on your finger and massage the tooth and surrounding gum area. Repeat this several times a day. Although this will only give you some temporary relief or comfort, it is important to still go to your dentist as soon as possible. Be careful not to swallow the oil. According to the website Health Mad, if you swallow a little bit of the oil it will not harm you, but you should try to spit it out. Tea tree oil has a very powerful, unlikable and medicinal taste.

    Athlete's Foot

    • You don't have to be an athlete to get athlete's foot.

      Apply some pure tea tree oil directly to your feet for athlete's foot once a day for about 30 days to ensure that the fungus is totally eliminated, according to the website "Diagnose Me." The site also states you can add several drops to a basin of water and soak your feet. This is good to do on a regular basis during and after the fungus has been destroyed.


    • Relieve an itchy scalp with tea tree oil.

      Add a few drops of tea tree oil to your shampoo for dandruff. Shedding, flaking and itching can be troublesome. According to Healthy Oil Planet, this can be an alternative to an antidandruff shampoo.

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