What Are the Benefits of a Heavy Metal Cleanse?
Optimal Health
Many people have a raft of symptoms that they generally accept as normal and try to ignore. These include fatigue, weakness, lack of energy, frequent headaches, aches and pains, and memory loss. These symptoms could be signs of heavy metal toxicity. A heavy metal cleanse will remove the toxins, eliminate many of these symptoms and increase your overall feeling of well-being, according to Jigsaw Health.
Chronic Conditions
Intractable chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, migraines and colitis can be caused or exacerbated by heavy metal toxicity, according to sources including Nutritional Ecological Environmental Delivery System. A heavy metal cleanse could relieve or eliminate these conditions.
Physicians for Social Responsibility lists cancer as a possible outcome of exposure to heavy metals. A heavy metal cleanse could reduce the load of these toxins in your body and therefore help prevent cancer.
Children's Health
Infants and children are more susceptible to heavy metal damage than adults because they are smaller and their brains and nervous systems are still developing. Some heavy metals can cross the placenta and so affect fetuses. Mercury, for example, is known to cause embryonic nervous systems damage, according to Physicians for Social Responsibility. Heavy metal toxicity can also cause or contribute to many debilitating conditions in children, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Asperger's syndrome, autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder. A heavy metal cleanse could alleviate or improve these conditions, according to Chronic Fatigue and Nutrition.
Learning Disabilities
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has linked lead poisoning with chronic learning disabilities and behavioral problems and, in extreme cases, permanent brain damage in children. A heavy metal cleanse could help eliminate heavy metals before they reach the point of causing these problems.