Anxiety Management Strategies
Preparing yourself for an uncomfortable situation might keep it from triggering your anxiety. For instance, if you feel anxious in big crowds, then prepare yourself before an event where you know you will be surrounded by lots of people. Try sitting quietly by yourself for a few minutes before joining the larger group. If you're anxious about public speaking, plan out and rehearse your statements beforehand.
Exercise is particularly helpful for people who cannot sleep at night due to their anxiety. If you get in a good workout around 4 pm, then your body will eliminate any stimulants remaining in your system, such as caffeine. Your body will also be exhausted due to the workout, making falling asleep much easier.
Eliminate Negativity
For some people, negative thoughts are what leads to anxiety. For example, if a person is thinking "I can't do this" or "This is out of my control," then they are likely to experience anxious feelings. Try making a list of negative thoughts that often enter your head. Next, replace those negative thoughts with positive ones, and read them over whenever you're feeling anxious and negative.
Distract Yourself
When you start to feel anxiety coming on, distract yourself with an activity. Try to remove yourself from what's making you anxious. Watch a light movie or call a friend to help you think about other things.
Get Out of the House
Don't let your anxiety keep you inside your room. Often, in facing your fears you will realize that your fears are worse than the actual thing you are fearing. Being alone with anxious feelings will only make things worse.