Natural and Herbal Remedies for Stress in Place of Prozac
Herbal Remedies
Ginkgo, kava, and St. John's wort are among the most widely-used herbs to treat depression. Ginkgo has been found to relieve depression, especially in older people who take high blood pressure medication. Kava treats depression and anxiety. St. John's wort is helpful for depression, tension, and exhaustion combined.
Nutrition Supplements
Deficiencies in certain nutrients have been linked to depression, according to Suzey Cohen, R.Ph., author of "The 24-Hour Pharmacist." Cohen recommends the following nutritional supplements for treating depression: 500 mg of vitamin C three or four times daily, to help convert amino acids into mood-boosting neurotransmitters; B-complex; 1,000 to 3,000 IU of vitamin D daily to treat seasonal affective disorder (SAD); 200 to 400 mg of magnesium per day to relieve anxiety and agitation and assist calcium absorption for stabilization of mood and heart function; 1,000 mg of essential fatty acids three times daily, preferably from a source that provides both DHA and EPA, such as fish oil; and phenylalanine, an essential amino acid that is converted into two powerful mood boosters (use a type that contains both "L" and "D" forms).
Specialty Supplements
SAM-e is an amino acid that has been used successfully in Europe for many years to treat depression. The recommended intake is 200 to 400 mg up to four times daily. Supplements of 5-HTP, a nutrient used in the body to make serotonin, may relieve depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and tension. Taking vitamin B6 along with 25 to 100 mg of 5-HTP is recommended.
Essential Oils
Diffused essential oils of jasmine, grapefruit, bergamot, cinnamon, mandarin, and peppermint have been found helpful in lifting mood for some people.
Studies have found that 15 to 30 minutes of exercise three times a week can relieve depression because exercise releases "feel good" chemicals, known as endorphins.
SSRIs such as Prozac continue to exert effects for four to six weeks after cessation of use. During this time, SSRIs can produce dangerous interactions with MAO inhibitors and some herbs, including St. John's wort. Certain natural remedies may interact with medications. People who take antidepressants should not take supplements of 5-HTP. People who take MAO inhibitors or who have high blood pressure should avoid L-tyrosine supplements. People who take psychoactive drugs or antidepressants or who have bipolar disorder should not take SAM-e.
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