HCG Diet With MS
What is MS?
Getting around Town MS (Multiple Sclerosis) is a progressive, debilitating disease caused by lesions on the brain and spinal column. When the lesions heal, they leave behind a scar (the Latin term for which is sclerosis). As the disease progresses, there are more and more scars, thus the term multiple sclerosis. The disease typically strikes people in the prime of their lives--from 20 to 50 years of age according to the National Multiple Sclerosis Organization.
There are many theories about the cause of MS. One prevalent theory is that it is an auto-immune disease. For some unknown reason, the body thinks there is a microscopic growth on the mylin (the sheath that covers each nerve). The body attacks the fictitious growth, leaving a microscopic hole in the mylin--basically causing the body's nervous system to crossfire. (Just like a bunch of wires with a few holes in the plastic coating would misfire.) What makes this anomaly even more peculiar is that it affects everyone in a unique way. Typically, men suffer from a more potent form of the illness than woman. For example, a man who has had MS for ten years may be using a wheelchair, have modifications on his car so he drive, and be on disability. Alternatively, a woman of the same age who has had MS for ten years may just find the illness to be a nuisance, with occasional minor flare-ups like dimmed vision or fatigue. To date, doctors don't really know why some people get MS, and others don't
MS Irritants
Avoid MS Flare-ups With some types of multiple sclerosis, the disease can be in a remission, and then start to flare-up. Some flare-ups are difficult to pin-point--they seem to come out of no where. However, other flare-ups are more predictable. Here are some things that may irritate MS:
Getting too hot
Getting stressed - physically (hungry, overtired, etc.), emotionally (family issues, romantic breakup, etc.) or mentally (studying, big project at work, etc.)
Getting sick
Not resting when needed (pushing yourself)
Motion sickness (people with MS are very prone to this)
Always saying 'yes' (learn to say 'no' with a full calendar)
What is the Hcg Diet?
The Hcg diet should be reviewed with a doctor before trying it. (Hcg) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin hormone is produced by pregnant women to nourish the placenta. Dr. Simeons was first to discover the benefits of this glycoprotein based hormone to reduce body weight. During the diet people are limited to 500 calories per day of fat free food and moderate workouts are necessary.
The 'Hcg Diet Dangers' site offers some practical information for all people--regardless of whether they have MS, or not, saying: "If you are looking to lose weight with Hcg, you definitely need to consult with a physician. Like any other hormone or drug, Hcg interacts with other natural substances in the body, as well as prescription drugs and supplements. Hcg can also serve as a marker for disease and tumors, so you should tell any doctor about use of this substance when you are getting a medical test to ensure that you don't experience a false diagnosis of disease or pregnancy." The 500 calorie diet alone should be a red flag for anyone--especially those with multiple sclerosis.