Banana Peel Remedies
Insect Bites
Use banana peels to reduce the itch and swelling of an insect bite. Rub the inside of the peel directly on the bite, according to Cait Johnson, assistant producer of "Care2 Healthy Living Newsletters." Be sure to use the part of the peel that contains the fruit pulp and not the outer yellow skin.
Wart Removal
Banana peels are a folk remedy for wart removal. Place the banana peel directly on the wart, and keep it in place with a bandage. Use the inside of the fruit with the yellow skin facing out. Wear the banana peel treatment at night to eliminate the wart over time.
Psoriasis Treatment
Psoriasis is a skin condition that causes painful scaling of the skin. There is no cure for psoriasis, but treatments such as banana peel may relieve the pain and dry patches. Rub the pulpy inside of the peel over the affected areas to alleviate symptoms.
Remedy for Dull Plants
Polish the leaves of your houseplants with the inside of a banana peel. Wipe the leaves to remove the dirt and dust and give them a shiny appearance.
Aphid Remedy
Deter aphids with cut-up banana peels placed in the dirt around plants that you want to protect. Cut the peel into small pieces, and allow them to dry out before burying in a couple of inches of dirt around your plants.