Home Remedies That Use Baking Soda
Tooth Whitener
Because baking soda has mild abrasive properties, it can be used as a tooth polisher and whitener. Dipping a wet toothbrush into dry baking soda creates a paste that coats the toothbrush, making it ready for brushing. Dentures and retainers can be cleaned in this way as well. They can also be soaked in a solution of baking soda dissolved in water.
Skin Soother
A solution of baking soda and water provides relief from acute burns and sunburn when applied to the affected area. This may prevent blistering as well as relief. A paste of baking soda and water can take away the itch of poison ivy. For bee stings, baking soda can help ease the pain when applied as a paste and allowed to dry.
Baking soda’s deodorizing, alkaline, and abrasive properties make it a good choice for cleaning. As a paste, it can remove stains from kitchen countertops and crayon marks from walls. Hair brushes and combs can be soaked in a baking soda solution to clean and freshen them.
Laundry Additive
Adding baking soda to laundry at the beginning of the wash cycle boosts detergent performance. When it’s added in the rinse cycle, baking soda freshens, deodorizes and softens laundry.
Drain Opener and Refresher
When baking soda is sprinkled down a drain or garbage disposal and is followed by the addition of vinegar, the chemical reaction between the two causes foaming that coats the pipe or disposal interior. The foaming action breaks down build-up and clogs.
Dry Bath for Dogs
Baking soda can be applied to a dog’s coat, massaged into the coat and then brushed out of the coat to deodorize and freshen the animal between baths. This home remedy can prevent the tendency toward over-washing and drying of a dog's skin.
Pool Care
Adding baking soda to pool water can adjust the water’s pH to the recommended level. Continual use can help keep a pool’s water clear.
General Deodorizer
When sprinkled dry onto car interiors, sports gear, furniture, rugs, shoes or sneakers and allowed to sit, baking soda removes odors. Another method of deodorizing objects that does not require follow-up vacuuming is using a solution of water and baking soda in a spray bottle.
Fire Extinguisher
Baking soda can be used to put out minor kitchen fires. Fire needs oxygen to burn. The heat from the fire reacts with the baking soda and creates carbon dioxide, which smothers the flame. This use is applicable only for very minor fires.
Fruit and Vegetable Scrub
Baking soda helps dissolve waxes and dirt that may remain on fruits and vegetables after picking or purchase. Fruits and vegetables can be soaked in a solution of baking soda and water or scrubbed with a paste of baking soda and water to remove residue safely.