Home Remedy to Remove Pet Tear Stains
According to NaturalDogHealthRemedies.com, a variety of reasons cause pets to develop tear stains. Pets with certain shaped eyes are more likely to develop tear stains. Miniature and toy breed dogs, or those with eyes that bulge, are most likely to develop tear stains. Abnormal eyelids may cause rubbing and irritation against the eye, resulting in tears and stains. Excessive hair around the eyes acts as a wick, encouraging tear development.
There are a variety of home remedies to remove pet tear stains. NaturalDogHealthRemedies.com suggests using the eyebright herb, which is rich in vitamins A and C and is thought to act as an anti-inflammatory that eases eye discomfort and reduces excessive tear production. Eyebright can be given to pets as an oral herbal remedy, or applied topically to the tear stain areas. External eyewashes such as chamomile, calendula and goldenseal are also effective pet tear stain remedies. Chamomile is thought to contain antibacterial and antifungal properties and also acts as an anti-inflammatory against eye infections. Calendula is thought to effectively treat bacterial, fungal and viral infections as well as promote wound healing.
Expert Insight
According to HolisticPetInfo.com, dandelion extract functions as an excellent cleanser for pet tear stains. Dandelion also exhibits antibacterial and antifungal properties that may help battle bacterial and fungal infections that lead to excessive tear production and staining. German chamomile may also be used as a tear stain cleanser, which, according to HolisticPetInfo.com, is ideal for using around the sensitive eye area.
Tear Ducts
Pet tear ducts can become infected and inflamed leading to excessive tear production. Tear duct infections can lead to significant staining. NaturalDogHealthRemedies.com states that corneal ulcers may also be the culprit for pet tear stains.
Bacterial and yeast infections can cause pet tear stains. According to NaturalDogHealthRemedies.com, Red Yeast is the most common yeast infection, which results in reddish tear stains. Bacterial and yeast infections that lead to tear stains may also produce foul odors.
Infections may not always be the reason for pet tear staining. NaturalDogHealthRemedies assert that some animals have genetic factors that lead to excessive tear production. As a result, tear staining develops. Excessive tear production and staining may be corrected with surgery.