Different Styles of Massage Therapy Techniques
Swedish Massage
Swedish massage focuses on five kinds of techniques: stroking, friction, kneading, percussion and vibration. The techniques tend to be followed in sequence. The intended effects of Swedish massage are to get the blood circulating, facilitate the process of skin cell renewal and improve muscle elasticity, according to "Massage Basics."
Reflexology is a massage therapy that has its roots in traditional Chinese medicine and philosophy. The thumb and fingers are used to massage reflex points on the body that are believed to produce an effect on another part of the body. Body maps reveal how these reflex points are connected to the stimulation of other body parts. A reflexology massage on one part of the foot might help to alleviate neck pain while a massage on another part of the foot might improve circulation, according to "Reflexology."
Shiatsu massage therapy goes back over 5,000 years. Its roots are related to acupuncture and acupressure. Shiatsu massage is performed primarily with the thumbs, but can also include the palms of the hand, elbow or even the feet. Pressure is exerted slowly and only lasts about six seconds on each point of the body. You can judge the quality of a massage therapist in shiatsu by whether or not you are aware of the movement from heavy to light pressure.
Sports Massage
Sports massage is a modality geared towards reducing metabolic waste, helping prevent or treat sports injuries and helping athletes prepare for competition. The type of treatment that is given can vary from one sport to another. Massage for basketball players will focus on shoulder joints, forearms and calves. Massage for golfers will focus on the muscles of the back, from the shoulders to the waist as well as the arms. Sports massage may often include elements from other types of massage therapies that are combined to produce a single effect.
Spiritual Massage
Spiritual massage therapies introduce additional aspects, such as prayer, the anointment of oil and even the laying on of hands to relieve stress and increase one's spiritual well-being. A spiritual massage can actually become a means of worship. Oils that may be used in a spiritual massage session are chosen for therapeutic value and often harken back to ancient religious traditions. Frankincense can be used because of the belief that it facilitates the breathing process as well as because it has a strong connection with the Bible.