Chakra & Healing
Chakras act as transducers that receive life energy and distribute it throughout the body. This biophysical energy, known as prana, is believed it to be the sustaining life force of all living things. To maintain health, the chakras must be clear and open to sustain an optimal flow of the energy. Unfortunately, we create blockages with prolonged emotional stress and/or with emotional toxins created by our negative feelings, such as "chronic anger, hatred, bitterness, greed, hopelessness, loneliness, and depression...." according to Dr. Richard Gerber, M.D.
There are seven major chakras that interact and influence the human body. Although non-physical in nature, each chakra is identified with a specific area of the body. Starting with the root chakra located around the tailbone, these energy vortexes move up the spine, passing through the reproductive organs, the stomach, the chest, the throat, the forehead, and finishing at the top of the head. Any blockages along the spine result in damage to the nearby area associated with the chakra.
When operating properly, a chakra rotates like a spinning wheel, producing a specific energy vibration or frequency. When blocked, an energy shift occurs, changing the frequency pattern of the chakra, and disrupting the normal flow of energy to the body. Healers employ various energy therapies to restore a chakra to a healthy state. These remedies include homeopathy, healing hands, crystal healing, color and sound therapy and flower essence. Each of the therapies heals through the introduction of a specific energy pattern.
Western medicine views the human body as a biological machine composed of independent parts that perform particular duties. Conversely, alternative medicine views the human body as a multidimensional energy system, composed of interconnecting fields of energy. According to this theory, the body produces a particular energy signature. Likewise, illnesses such as cancer produce their own energy signatures. This suggests the possibility of diagnosing and treating illnesses with energy therapies that restore the body's natural rhythm.
Modern medicine does not accept the belief that chakras nourish the body with life energy, thereby affecting health. However, a growing body of evidence suggests the possibility that these frequency-specific energy fields exist. The Journal of Experimental and Clinical Cancer Research recently published a study that identified specific frequencies associated with cancerous tumors. This study also reported that treatments using noninvasive frequencies produced significant results. The researchers concluded that treatment of tumor-specific cancer with specific frequencies, "may have biological efficacy in patients with advanced cancer."